Things You Need to Know When Looking for a Plastic Facial Surgeon

Regardless of the cosmetic procedure, you’re interested in, may it be liposuction, cosmetic nose surgery, face-lift, or reconstructive surgery, there’s always a cosmetic surgeon for every procedure. To safely perform any of these procedures, the surgeon needs to have the right skills and expertise. This is the only way you can be assured of getting aesthetically pleasing results. However, with an unskilled and inexperienced facial plastic surgeon, you cannot be certain of aesthetically desirable results. That said, let’s take a look at some of the top things you need to consider when searching for a facial plastic surgeon.


When searching for a cosmetic surgeon, look for someone who has been approved by the American Board of Plastic Surgery to perform the various cosmetic procedures.

Certification indicates that the surgeon has met all the requirements to practice in the field of plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons are required to complete a minimum of 6 years of surgical training with 2-3 years dedicated specifically to cosmetic surgery, thorough oral and written tests, and demonstration of safe and ethical surgical practice before they can be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Aesthetic surgery is regarded as an art form in the medical field and doing thorough research can mean the difference between getting satisfactory results and aesthetically unappealing results.

Accreditation of the Surgeon’s Operating Facility

Plastic surgery is normally carried out in a surgeon’s office-based facility or in an ambulatory care center. Regardless, you need to ensure the facility is correctly accredited, same as for board certification. Facility accreditation signifies that strict standards for the right equipment, safety, surgeon’s qualifications, and staffing are met.

But how can you determine if a facility has been accredited? Watch out for any of these accreditations:

  • American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities
  • Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care
  • Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations

By choosing an accredited facility, like Beverly Hills owned and operated by Dr. Golshani, you can rest assured of getting the best quality care available.

Surgeon’s Inquiry

Surgeons are practitioners who should be treating you wholesomely. They should inquire about your past medical record even if you’re volunteering for a plastic procedure.

If a surgeon is unconcerned with your medical history when deliberating on possible treatment options, then this should be a warning sign that the surgeon is not thorough enough.

If you’re based in Beverly Hills and are looking for a facial plastic surgeon, then visit the website and schedule an appointment with Dr. Golshani and possibly ask for a quote.

Overselling of Additional Services

If a surgeon is persuading you to opt for additional procedures, especially those that you never sought for or are unable to understand the benefits of such procedures despite explanation, then this could be a red flag.

Some procedures serve as a complement to other procedures. Examples of these procedures are rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. However, if you’re seeking nose surgery and the surgeon is recommending liposuction of your thighs, then it’s advisable to shop around for another surgeon who is willing to listen and solve your needs.

These are some of the things you need to consider when shopping around for a cosmetic surgeon to address your needs.

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